2D plot with 3rd variable

4 views (last 30 days)
Michel tawil
Michel tawil on 12 Jul 2019
Commented: Michel tawil on 14 Sep 2019
hey, i have many lines in X and Y axes, need to color each line according to a variable Z, how to do that ?
already plotted all the lines needed but need to add the color for each line according to the value of Z. for example if Z= 0 the line will take a color and if it;s 0.8 it takes another color( i mean how to add a colorbar for this )
John Doe
John Doe on 12 Jul 2019
You can modify the following code for your purposes.
where n will = the size of averageV
y(1:241,1) = 1:241
n = size(y, 1);
colors = hsv(n);
h = line([0 10], [y(1:241,1) y(1:241,1)])
set(h, {'color'}, num2cell(colors, 2));
Michel tawil
Michel tawil on 13 Jul 2019
Hey, if it's only taking the size, how will it plot according to the value of averageV,
i want the line color plotted in XY according to the value of averageV not according to the size of averageV.
sorry for bothering again

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Accepted Answer

Cristian Garcia Milan
Cristian Garcia Milan on 12 Jul 2019
Hello Michel,
I think you can use RGB colors so if you have the data in rows in X and Y it would be somethink like:
figure hold on for i = 1:size(X,1) plot(X(i,:),Y(i,:),'color',[Z(i) 0 1]) % There is needed that Z has a value from 0 to 1 for each row end
Hope it helps!
Michel tawil
Michel tawil on 17 Jul 2019
thank you, i guess this is exactly what i want. i'll make sure of it
Michel tawil
Michel tawil on 14 Sep 2019
hello again, the plot3 didn't work.
My point is that for each line i am plotting, i want it to be colored according to a third variable ( that is the velocity of that line), the index of the lines and variables is not a problem, i just need a function in matlab that takes the color from a matrix different than the one used to plot(3rd variable)
nothing worked till now. i have 235 lines and each one of them has a velocity

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