unique set from file
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Sanjana Sankar
on 29 Jul 2019
Commented: Sanjana Sankar
on 29 Jul 2019
I have a .mat file with 14994x31 cells with random alphabets in the cells. I need to find the unique set. I know it is going to be the set of all alphabets only. But I want to find exactly which alphabets are present (if not all). Is the anyway to find out the unique set for the entire file and not just row by row?
Accepted Answer
Adam Danz
on 29 Jul 2019
Edited: Adam Danz
on 29 Jul 2019
c = {'!' 'a:' 'l' 't' '@' [] []
'?' 'a:' 'l' 't' '@' 's' 't'
'/' 'a' 'b' 'a' 'n' 'd' 'A~'};
cUnq = unique(c(cellfun(@ischar,c)));
cUnq =
13×1 cell array
{'!' }
{'/' }
{'?' }
{'@' }
{'a' }
{'b' }
{'d' }
{'l' }
{'n' }
{'s' }
{'t' }
If you want to keep the unique elements in their original order,
cUnq = unique(c(cellfun(@ischar,c)),'stable');
More Answers (1)
Joel Handy
on 29 Jul 2019
Edited: Joel Handy
on 29 Jul 2019
c = {'!' 'a:' 'l' 't' '@' [] []
'?' 'a:' 'l' 't' '@' 's' 't'
'/' 'a' 'b' 'a' 'n' 'd' 'A~'};
for rowIdx = 1:size(c,1)
cString(rowIdx) = string([c{rowIdx,:}])
uniqueSets = unique(cString)
See Also
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