Taking out entries of a Vector to make a new Vector

4 views (last 30 days)
I have a 400 x 1 column vector, is it possible to 'splice' out every 4-th entry of that vector to end up with a 100 x 1 column vector, plus a 300 x 1 column vector left over from the original vector? Let me know if this doesn't make sense and I can explain further.

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 11 Aug 2019
Edited: Stephen23 on 11 Aug 2019
Where V is your vector:
X = V(4:4:end);
Y = V;
Y(4:4:end) = [];
Tom on 11 Aug 2019
This seems to remove the first and the fifth entry and so on, I need to remove the fourth, the eighth, and so on.
Stephen23 on 11 Aug 2019
"This seems to remove the first and the fifth entry and so on, I need to remove the fourth, the eighth, and so on."
Yes it did, because you did not specify the starting element. However changing the code is pretty trivial: I changed my answer from starting at element 1 to starting at element 4.

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