How to calculate the average gradient of an image?
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i have tried this code.But the results are mismatching.
[Gmag, Gdir] = imgradient(X, 'sobel');
Answers (3)
on 30 Aug 2019
Missing from your equation, is the exact definition of G. You're currently using the sobel operator to compute the gradient and as documented in the algorithms section of imgradient whichever operator you use is going to give you vastly different results for the magnitude.
I suspect that your equation use a completely different definition than 'sobel' for G.
As asked by Raunak, for us to be able to tell you what is wrong, we need the actual source image and whatever you compare it to.
Bruno Luong
on 30 Aug 2019
I can't see the denominator factor (H-1)*(W-1). And Why you use MODE?
Those two errors explain discrepency already.
Raunak Gupta
on 30 Aug 2019
As per the formula you have mentioned above, the syntax for Calculating ‘AG’ is mistaken. For implementing the formula, you can use below commands.
%Here X is the array for which Gradient is to be calculated
[Gmag,Gdir] = imgradient(X,'sobel');
% Here since Gmag represent Magnitude of Gradient so no need to take absolute value
AG = sum(sum(Gmag))./(sqrt(2)*(size(X,1)-1)*(size(X,2)-1));
If you want to try other method for calculating gradient you may investigate ’method’ parameter in imgradient. Please keep in mind that imgradient works only for grayscale images and would not provide required results for RGB images. Here is the link to the documentation of imgradient.
on 13 Sep 2019
Edited: PPO POT
on 13 Sep 2019
This is my code, with this code you can browse image file and then calculate AG automatically,
[filename1,pathname] = uigetfile('*.*',' Select the Original Image ');
orgIM = imread(filename1);
% Pattern
%[Gmag, Gdir] = imgradient(I,'prewitt');
% 1] If test image is true color covert its to grayscale
if size(orgIM,3) == 3
testIM = rgb2gray(imread(filename1));
[Gmag,Gdir] = imgradient(testIM,'prewitt');
% Calcualte Average gradient
AG = sum(sum(Gmag))./(sqrt(2)*(size(testIM,1)-1)*(size(testIM,2)-1))
See Also
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