Hello dear community,
I have question about the GUI I made programatically with OOP. I am not using GUIDE or AppDesigner.
I have different tabs in my GUI and I have different plots in each tab. I created 2 selection custom uicontextmenu. When user right clicks on the axis area, a menu opens and selections are "Enable Cursor" and "Enable Zoom". I created the callback for each case which creates the data cursor object or zoom object according to user selection.
The problem is this datacursor and zoom mode became active for other plots in the other tabs, too. I only want single one become active. The reason all become active is datacursormode and zoom functions gets the figure handle as an input. So the entire figure is affected.
Also another problem when I activated zoom, the custom uicontextmenu I have created disappeared, instead it is replaced with 'PostContextMenu' which is the rightClickAction property of the zoom object. I couldn't find a way to turn it back to my custom 2 options menu again.
Do you have any ideas for my 2 problems? Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks very much! :)