"Too many input arguments" when running VideoWriter

1 view (last 30 days)
B G on 11 Sep 2012
Answered: Eskapp on 12 Feb 2015
I get the following error when I try to run VideoWriter, even when I use the example code found in the help document for VideoWriter as well as from the web
>> VideoWriter('test.avi');
??? Error using ==> VideoWriter.VideoWriter>VideoWriter.VideoWriter at 199
Too many input arguments.
Any ideas?

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Sep 2012
It ran just fine when I did it. Take the semicolon off and see it if spits anything out to the command window.

Eskapp on 12 Feb 2015
Just got exactly the same issue with release 2013b. Could not find the cause but closing Matlab and re-launching it solved the problem.


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