optimization for points game, 2 variables!

1 view (last 30 days)
Matlabbey on 11 Sep 2012
hi all,
i'm trying to figure out a way to solve this problem and do so in matlab.
here is the setup:
1. you want to maximize the number of points, x
2. there is one variable,s, with 5 inputs weighted from most to least (5 4 3 2 1)
3. there is another variable, t, with two weighted inputs (13 7)
I want to maximize x by figuring out the best way to allocate the #scores(category1) and #scores(category2)....how to do this!?
Kevin Claytor
Kevin Claytor on 11 Sep 2012
How are s and t linked to x? If you have an equation like; x = 7*t + 3*s, it should be pretty easy to maximize. Also, how is the game played, is there some condition from just allowing the player to pick the largest s (for example)?
Matlabbey on 11 Sep 2012
hi, thank you for the response. now im trying to make to simulate the results with different values.

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Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 11 Sep 2012
This sounds like a linear programming problem.
doc linprog

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