Anomalous histogram for small argument
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Gordon Edwards
on 6 Sep 2019
Commented: Gordon Edwards
on 7 Sep 2019
Running the following code from the command line with c = 1e-15 or greater leads to a normal histogram
c = 1e-15; figure; histogram(c * rand(100,1))

Running the following code with c = 1e-16 or less leads to an incorrect histogram
c = 1e-16; figure; histogram(c * rand(100,1))

The problem appears also in apps when the histogram function is invoked.
Is this a bug?
Accepted Answer
Bruno Luong
on 7 Sep 2019
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 7 Sep 2019
Yes it is a BUG. I chase back and in the file
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019a\toolbox\matlab\datafun\+matlab\+internal\+math\binpicker.m
line #20 (R2019a)
there is a test
if xrange > max(sqrt(eps(xscale)), realmin(class(xscale)))
To me the correct test should be (without sqrt)
if xrange > max(eps(xscale), realmin(class(xscale)))
Now if I change this line and rerun the code
c = 1e-16; figure; histogram(c * rand(100,1))
it produces correct plot

More seriously, the function binpicker is called by HISTCOUNT. So HISTCOUNT is also buggy. Not only plotting but calculation might be wrong.
More Answers (1)
Jackson Burns
on 7 Sep 2019
Here's a similar question asked a few years ago which was never really solved either. This comment may be your best approach, but I would reccomend just bringing the values to unity with something like this:
c = 1E-16;
mydata = c * rand(100,1);
You could then modify the xticklabels to match whatever the original values were.
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