I am attempting to represent a network using a circle of nodes, with connetions going to/from different nodes in a directed manner. I have been using the digraph object with some success, but have discovered that the lines drawn to/from different nodes using that object are always perfectly straight unless there happens to be a reciprocally connected pair of nodes (in which case some arc is added to the connections). Is there anyway to make a directed graph that has curved connections--bent at different angles depending on distance between nodes.
Essentially, I want to recreate the result from Kassebaum's circularGraph (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/48576-circulargraph), but with directed connections.
On a related note, I am thinking that I could use half-arrows whenever there is a reciprocal connection (so that there's room for both to/from connections to be displayed). Is this at all possible?