Problem with using while

2 views (last 30 days)
Abdussalam Elhanashi
Abdussalam Elhanashi on 31 Oct 2019
Answered: James Heselden on 31 Oct 2019
Hi Guys
have a problem with using while and give me an error when i run matlab for the code attached named Evaluationthedetector
Kindly looking for your assistance
smokedetection = selectLabels(gTruth,'cat');
if ~isfolder(fullfile('EvaluationData'))
mkdir EvaluationData
evaluationData = objectDetectorTrainingData(gTruth,...
imds = imageDatastore(fullfile('EvaluationData'));
numImages = height(evaluationData);
result(numImages,:) = struct('Boxes',[],'Scores',[]);
while i = 1:numImages
% Read Image
I = readimage(imds,numImages);
% Detect the object of interest
[bboxes, scores] = detect(detector,I,'MiniBatchSize', 32);
T = 0.54; % Define threshold here
idx = scores >= T;
% if there are 2 or more objects detected, show them
if nnz(idx) >= 2
% Retrieve those scores that surpassed the threshold
s = scores(idx);
% Do the same for the labels as well
bboxes = bboxes(idx, :); % This logic doesn't change
% Store result
result(i).Boxes = bboxes;
result(i).Scores = scores;
% Convert structure to table
results = struct2table(result);
Error: File: Evaluationthedetector.m Line: 14 Column: 9
Incorrect use of '=' operator. To assign a value to a variable, use '='. To compare values for equality, use

Accepted Answer

James Heselden
James Heselden on 31 Oct 2019
You are using a while loop where you should be using a for loop.
% Swap out
while i = 1:numImages
% to
for i = 1:numImages

More Answers (1)

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov on 31 Oct 2019
while .. end is not used correcly, use for ... end instead
for i = 1:numImages
% Read Image
I = readimage(imds,numImages);
% Detect the object of interest
[bboxes, scores] = detect(detector,I,'MiniBatchSize', 32);
T = 0.54; % Define threshold here
idx = scores >= T;
% if there are 2 or more objects detected, show them
if nnz(idx) >= 2
% Retrieve those scores that surpassed the threshold
s = scores(idx);
% Do the same for the labels as well
bboxes = bboxes(idx, :); % This logic doesn't change
% Store result
result(i).Boxes = bboxes;
result(i).Scores = scores;
% Convert structure to table

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