Saving each data from for loop

2 views (last 30 days)
helia mb
helia mb on 25 Nov 2019
Edited: helia mb on 29 Nov 2019
Hello, I have a for loop that count from 1 to 200 . And these 200 are number of my file that gonna read in matlab. I want to read each file and save it.but lenght of my files aren't same as each can I save each of them?! Wgen I running my for loop it just save the last data.
if true
For i =1:200
Close all
Ss2 %my matrix are in there
Wanna save each of them
Michal on 25 Nov 2019
Hi, by 'how can I save each of them?!' do you mean saving the contents of the files in one variable? What are the contents of the files?
helia mb
helia mb on 25 Nov 2019
Yes,they are series of numbers about 38×360000, but the column in each file are varied. When i load my for loop , it reads each of them but at the end i can see just the last matrix, that means other doesn't save in workspaces

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Answers (1)

Philippe Lebel
Philippe Lebel on 25 Nov 2019
Edited: Philippe Lebel on 25 Nov 2019
If you want to store elements (like strings) that are not the same size you can use cells.
A = {'abc', 'defg', 'hijklmnop', 123, [4,5,6,7,8], false}
A =
'abc' 'defg' 'hijklmnop' [123] [1x5 double] [0]
So if you want to go through a bunch of files and put their content in a cell you can do it this way (pseudo code)
my_list_of_files= {'file1','file2', 'file3'}
my_array = {};
for i=1:length(my_list_of_files)
my_array{i} = read(my_list_of_files{i});
Stephen23 on 29 Nov 2019
"I don't know how to insert them in a cell array..."
N = number of files
C = cell(1,N);
for k = 1:N
... import your data
YourData = ... whatever
C{k} = YourData; % store your data in a cell array
" my column data size aren't same as each other.during reading each file"
Is irrelevant if you are using a cell array.
helia mb
helia mb on 29 Nov 2019
Yes exactly that's what I mean...oh my god Thank you so much~~ you are amazing

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