painting specific points in sunflower stracture
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I have this sunflower structure and in need to paint one point in red and the neighbors in another color.

phi = (sqrt(5)-1)/2;
n = 500;
rho = (5:n-1).^phi;
theta = (5:n-1)*2*pi*phi;
polar(theta, rho, '.');
title([num2str(n) ' Sunflower Seeds']);
set(gcf, 'color', 'w');
How I can do it?
Image Analyst
on 1 Dec 2019
I was wondering that myself. Maybe he meant randi() to get the random index from the list of points he already has in (theta, rho) list of coordinates. Like
randomIndex = randi(length(theta), 1);
randomTheta = theta(randomIndex);
randomRho = rho(randomIndex);
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