LQR online documentation problem
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As a university teacher of control theory, I visited the online documentation page for the "lqr" function today after some time for teaching purposes, and I am afraid I much preferred the previous version of the documentation for this function. Moving the "algorithms" section to the end confuses the first-time user, and the examples are not, in my opinion, representative of the main purpose of the function. (I have noticed that documentation pages for corresponding functions, such as dlqr, have retained their original structure.) Moreover, the "algorithms" session contains several terminology changes which I cannot understand (why replace "eigenvalues" by "poles"? why not use "control law"?) and most importantly, the "lqr returns the solution S of the associated algebraic Riccati equation" phrase is followed by the (incorrect!) equation where X, not S, seems to represent the solution (in past versions of this documentation page, this was correct, e.g. the MATLAB help for the R2018b version correctly lists the equation as
). I would be grateful if it was possible to revert to the previous versions of this documentation page, which were so good I could use them in the teaching process.

Answers (1)
Vinai Datta Thatiparthi
on 2 Jan 2020
Hello Slavka,
I have brought your suggestions to the notice of our developers, they may investigate this matter further.
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