Subscripting a table using linear indexing (one subscript) or multidimensional indexing (three or more subscripts) is not supported

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I recives this error:
Subscripting a table using linear indexing (one subscript) or multidimensional indexing (three or more
subscripts) is not supported. Use a row subscript and a variable subscript.
in this command:
hold on
plot(Tmean_split{(var_Tmean_split(i))}, 'dg');
hold off
I want to plot mean value on the existing boxplot.
Tmean_split is a table and var_Tmean_split is array string of the table columns.
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Jan 2020
I don't know what var_Tmean_split is. Is it a cell array of strings that you got from a column of the table called Tmean_split? If so, how can you plot strings? You can only plot numbers.
When you say
the expression inside the {} must be a number saying what column you want to use. Evidently you're not giving it a single number but a cell array, a vector, or a column from a table (I'm not sure), but it's definitely not a single column number.
Can you attach your table in a .mat file with the paper clip icon and say what column you want to plot?

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jan 2020
Edited: Walter Roberson on 1 Jan 2020
plot(Tmean_split{:, var_Tmean_split(i)}, 'dg');
plot(Tmean_split.(var_Tmean_split(i)), 'dg');
Zeynab Mousavikhamene
Zeynab Mousavikhamene on 1 Jan 2020
I recieved error using
plot(Tmean_split.(var_Tmean_split(i)), 'dg');
Table variable names must be strings or character vectors.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Jan 2020
If your var_Tmean_split really is an array string like you said, then your i is not scalar.
But I suspect that your var_Tmean_split is a cell array of character vectors rather than a string array. If so then in the above, where I have var_Tmean_split(i) replace that with var_Tmean_split{i}

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