How can I save a image from imshow into a cell array ?
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Hi ,I used (dd = [128 48] ;) doubles array to do mat2gray() , then doing the imshow to save image in a cell array (like dat{i,1}=imshow(mat2gray(dd));)
But when the image update , those data can't save at the cell array.
i wanna save these data in cell arrat that me can simply take data to training my CNN .and i have no idea.
Have anyone can save me ,plz
on 7 Jan 2020
Edited: Stephen23
on 7 Jan 2020
"...then doing the imshow to save image in a cell array ... dat{i,1}=imshow(...)"
As the imshow documentation clearly states, its output is not an image, it is a handle to an image object:
If you do not know what graphics objects are, then read this and its child pages:
Rather than storing the handles in a cell array, I strongly recommend that graphics object handles be stored in a graphics object array:
which you can preallocate using
If you really want to store the image data (i.e. the objects' CData), then use a cell array.
Accepted Answer
Ridwan Alam
on 7 Jan 2020
Edited: Ridwan Alam
on 7 Jan 2020
I don't think you need the imshow(). imshow() is only used to show the image, and it returns an image object, which is not normally used in CNN training..
dat{i,1} = mat2gray(dd);
should store the grayscale image dd to dat cell array. If you want to show it later, just use imshow(dat{i,1}).
on 7 Jan 2020
"imshow() ... returns a figure handle"
imshow does not return a handle to a figure object. It returns a handle to an image object.
More Answers (1)
Image Analyst
on 7 Jan 2020
I don't know why you're trying to store anything in a cell array. If you have tons of training images, you may not even have enough memory. Why not use the way that the Mathworks recommends, which is to use an imageDatastore object?
See Also
Find more on Convert Image Type in Help Center and File Exchange
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