Simulation Data Inspector - Activate another run to display its data

15 views (last 30 days)
I have multiple runs in the Simulation Data Inspector. The latest run is marked with "[Current]" and is displayed.
How can I activate another run to display its data?
Thanks in advance!
  1 Comment
Mario Weyrich
Mario Weyrich on 18 Feb 2025 at 12:31
...R2024b -> still missing this! Exactly as Alexander wrote. Couldn't be a big issue to bring that in...somehow must be there already in background. Just needs to be offered per GUI for user.

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Answers (2)

Alexander Lampe
Alexander Lampe on 23 Jan 2020
Thanks for your reply!
Of course this is a solution but takes too much time if I have many signals (which is the case). I am asking if there is a feature somewhere hidden, where I can simply switch the active dataset and display its signals without manually selecting all signals from a list.
I think this functionality must already exist as this is the default behaviour when I start a new simulation and send the data to the SDI.
Current SDI behaviour:
  1. I do a simulation and send data to SDI
  2. I prepare my plots in the SDI with the signals from my first run
  3. I run a second simulation and send data to SDI
  4. old simulation data is replaced and new data is displayed automatically in the SDI
No. 4 is the bahaviour I want to control manually by selecting runs from the archive and mark them as active.
E.g. right-click on any run opens a context menu where I can mark this run as active to display its data in SDI.
Best regards
Victor Kulikov
Victor Kulikov on 20 Nov 2020
Edited: Victor Kulikov on 20 Nov 2020
I'm missing this feature too!
Let's upvote Alexander's post if you miss it too!
Let it be a feature request.

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Payas Bahade
Payas Bahade on 20 Jan 2020
Hi Alexander,
Previous ‘Run’ data is stored under ‘Archive’ section in Simulink Data Inspector. To display multiple runs' data, mark the checkbox against the required data from previous runs. Modifying the line properties like line color and line style, helps in distinguishing between different ‘Runs’ data. I have attached a screenshot for reference which shows previous run's data under 'Archive' section with marked checkboxes.
Hope this helps!




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