Magnitude, row and column in a Matrix

3 views (last 30 days)
Good Morning.
I have a matrix A
A = [87.97 87.97 17.97
95.22 87.96 91.26
75.50 75.50 75.50
78.13 64.89 78.90];
What instructions should I do to get
Minimum value per column
The line and column of that value
The result would be:
magnitude 75.50 64.89 17.97
row 3 4 1
column 1 2 3
Greetings and thanks

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 22 Jan 2020
Try this:
A = [87.97 87.97 17.97
95.22 87.96 91.26
75.50 75.50 75.50
78.13 64.89 78.90];
[MaxA,MaxRow] = max(A)
[MinA,MinRow] = min(A)
MaxA =
95.2200 87.9700 91.2600
MaxRow =
2 1 2
MinA =
75.5000 64.8900 17.9700
MinRow =
3 4 1
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez on 23 Jan 2020
This is the code I have, with your suggestions.
clc; clear; close all; format short;
A=[ 87.97 87.97 17.97
95.22 87.96 91.26
75.50 75.50 75.50
78.13 64.89 78.90];
[MinA,MinRow] = min(A)
[RowMin,ColMin] = find(A == min(A(:)))
This is the results show in the Command Window
MinA =
75.5000 64.8900 17.9700
MinRow =
3 4 1
RowMin =
ColMin =
ColMin =
As we see it does not show me the columns.
It shows me only one
Already the minimum values and the rows are resolved, only the columns are missing.
Thanks for your help
Star Strider
Star Strider on 23 Jan 2020
It actually shows everything you want it to show.

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Jan 2020
Use the two output form of min(). The second output will be the appropriate row numbers.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Jan 2020
The column number is 1:number of columns

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