Draw this type of figure from given data.the data contains lat long disp(north,east,down) and other quantities but i need figure only for the displacement simillar to the attached figure

2 views (last 30 days)
TAPAS on 19 Feb 2020
Can you just reduce my data to half that means delete the rows with value 30.06:.12:33 in first column and 102.06:.16:106 in the second column.

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Accepted Answer

darova on 19 Feb 2020
Here is what i tried. I didn't use disp_down, only east and north
A = xlsread('coseis.xlsx');
x = A(:,1);
y = A(:,2);
u = A(:,3);
v = A(:,4);
X = reshape(x,[51 51]);
Y = reshape(y,[51 51]);
U = reshape(u,[51 51]);
V = reshape(v,[51 51]);
xs = linspace(min(x),max(x),10);
ys = xs*0;
streamline(X',Y',U',V',[xs xs],[ys+102 ys+106])
darova on 24 Feb 2020
I used griddata to reduce/interpolate data
You previously had 51x51 grid. I changed it to 20x20
Use N number to change density of grid
A = xlsread('coseis.xlsx');
x = A(:,1);
y = A(:,2);
u = A(:,3);
v = A(:,4);
N = 20; % number of points in each direction you want
x1 = linspace(min(x),max(x),N);
y1 = linspace(min(y),max(y),N);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x1,y1); % new mesh for X,Y (reduced)
U = griddata(x,y,u,X,Y);
V = griddata(x,y,v,X,Y);
% U = reshape(u,[51 51]);
% V = reshape(v,[51 51]);
xs = linspace(min(x),max(x),10);
ys = xs*0;
streamline(X,Y,U,V,[xs xs],[ys+102 ys+106])

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