number of look ahead steps in DDPG Agent Options

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I want to know how does the parameter "NumStepsToLookAhead" in rlDDPGAgentOptions from reinforcement learning toolboxof matlab 2019b works?
  1. Whether the look ahead is done on target networks? (like modification in critic objective, from {r+gamma*Qt - Q} to {r+ sum(gamma**i*Qt) -Q}
  2. Or the look ahead is done on reward sampling itself? ( like changing reward "r" from each sample to "r+gamma*r_t+gamma**2*r_t+1+...
Any help is highly appreciated.

Answers (1)

Anh Tran
Anh Tran on 1 Mar 2020
I am not sure what does reward sampling mean. "NumStepsToLookAhead" in rlDDPGAgentOptions changes the critic's target values in step 5 of DDPG training algorithm.
Assume g is the discount factor, the critic target will be as followed
Dingshan Sun
Dingshan Sun on 1 Sep 2022
Could you give a hint how R_t,R_t_1,,R_t+2,...,R_t+n-1 can be obtained in an online off-policy algorithm? Especially for DRL methods that use an experience replay?

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