Need help on Minesweeper with formatting issues.
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I am in need of help understanding this problem. Not sure where to go from my code i Have. so far i have created a 10x10 random array and labeled another array with every number in the rand(10) thats greater than .85 = 1. Also i have made the 2x2 corners top and bottom safe spots 'equaling 0'.
clc, clear, format compact
% Place mines
mine_probabilities = rand(10);
mine = mine_probabilities > 0.85;
% Make the beginning/end "safe"
mine(1:2,1:2) = 0;
mine(9:10,9:10) = 0;
The next step is:
INITIALIZE GAME WINDOW: Create a new 10x10 array called game_window. This is the “field” that will be displayed while you are playing your game.
Every element in game_window should be -1, EXCEPT for where your “player” is located:
• Create a new variable my_position = [1, 1]; to describe your player’s current position (in terms of row, column).
• Set the corresponding element (element (1,1)) of game_window equal to 100. This is how you know where your player currently is.
1 Comment
Geoff Hayes
on 26 Feb 2020
Nathen - you have created the array of mines and so now you need to create the game field (where the player will navigate). The notes indicate that you need to create a 10x10 array (much like you have done for the mines) with all elements initialized to -1. You then need to create a variable that will keep track of where the user is. This variable will be the xy or row-column position of the player in the field. You set this position (in the field) to be 100 so that it is clear where the player is.
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