This segments the monotonically increasing part of each pulse, as depicted in the 2nd image in my comment under your question. See inline comments for details.
Input: signal (provided by your mat file)
Output: startIdx (the starting index of each rise), locs (the index of the peaks).
Method 1
This method is not recommended; see method 2 below.
signalSmooth = smooth(signal,20);
[~, locs] = findpeaks(signalSmooth, 'MinPeakHeight', range(signal)*.4 + min(signal), 'MinPeakDistance', 200);
mm = movmean([inf;diff(signal)] > 0, [0,3]) == 1;
mmIdx = find(mm);
firstOnes = find([mm(1);diff(mmIdx)>1]);
startIdx = mmIdx(firstOnes);
plot(signal, 'b-')
hold on
plot(locs, signal(locs), 'r*')
plot(startIdx, signal(startIdx), 'mx', 'LineWidth',2)
segements = arrayfun(@(start,stop){signal(start:stop)},startIdx,locs);
hold on
Or, if you want to preserve the x-values,
segements = arrayfun(@(start,stop){signal(start:stop)},startIdx,locs);
segement_xvalues = arrayfun(@(start,stop){start:stop},startIdx,locs);
hold on
cellfun(@(x,y)plot(x,y),segement_xvalues, segements)
Update: Method 2
New smoothing method; a new, more robust, method of finding the start of each rising segment that ends at a peak.
signal = s3;
signalSmooth = smoothdata(signal,'gaussian', 20);
[~, locs] = findpeaks(signalSmooth, 'MinPeakHeight', range(signal)*.1 + min(signal), 'MinPeakDistance', 200);
isIncrease = diff([inf; signalSmooth]) > 0 ;
notIncrIdx = find(~isIncrease);
idx = notIncrIdx(:) < locs(:).';
startIdx = arrayfun(@(col)find(idx(:,col),1,'last'),1:numel(locs));
startIdx = notIncrIdx(startIdx)+1;
plot(signal, 'b-')
hold on
plot(locs, signal(locs), 'r*')
plot(startIdx, signal(startIdx), 'mx', 'LineWidth',2)
segements = arrayfun(@(start,stop){signal(start:stop)},startIdx,locs);
segement_xvalues = arrayfun(@(start,stop){start:stop},startIdx,locs);
hold on
cellfun(@(x,y)plot(x,y),segement_xvalues, segements)