replace function in tall array. This indicates an internal error. Please contact MathWorks Technical Support.
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I'm trying to replace a bunch of strings with meaningful strings in each column of a tall array. In the reference for replace function, it says it fully supports tall array. But I ran into the error. See an example below:
b = ["a", "6", "1001", "0", "3"]';
b = [b; b];
code = ["a"; "1001"; "3"; "10"];
meaning = ["atest", "1001t", "3b", "102b"]';
a2 = replace(b, code, meaning); % this works fine
a = replace(tall(b), code, meaning); % this throws an error
a1 = replace(tall(b'), code, meaning); % this throws another error asking me to contact technical support
first error message:
Error using tall/replace (line 21)
Incompatible tall array arguments. The first dimension in each tall array must have the same size, or have a size of
It seems it complains about the tall(b) because the first dimension is not 1. So I explicitely transposed it by tall(b'), it threw the error below:
Error using tall/replace (line 21)
The operation generated an invalid chunk for output parameter 1. The chunk has size [1 10] where the expected size is
[4 10]. This indicates an internal error. Please contact MathWorks Technical Support.
I'm using R2020a.
Sean de Wolski
on 30 Mar 2020
What's your end goal? Do you want to write this back to disk with the replacements? Do you want further downstream processing? For further downstream processing, the idea is that gather will never need the entire array in memory at once. For writing, look at tall.write.
Answers (2)
Jyotsna Talluri
on 30 Mar 2020
You have to use gather function to calulate the unevaluated tall array tall(b)
a2 = replace(b, code, meaning);
a = replace(gather(tall(b)), code, meaning);
Refer to the documentation link for more details
Sean de Wolski
on 30 Mar 2020
Edited: Sean de Wolski
on 30 Mar 2020
At the very least it's a doc bug because the doc says that tall arrays are fully supported for replace. It does appear to work with scalar values for old and new but the results are not the same because the replace happens sequentially rather than in one shot.
I'd contact tech support for that.
However, using categorical and renamecats, I'm able to get the same result:
b = ["a", "6", "1001", "0", "3"]';
b = [b; b];
code = ["a"; "1001"; "3"; "10"];
meaning = ["atest", "1001t", "3b", "102b"]';
a2 = replace(b, code, meaning); % this works fine
tb = tall(categorical(b, unique([code;b])));
b2 = renamecats(tb,code, meaning);
bg = gather(b2); % DON'T Call this, just doing it on simple example to check.
assert(isequal(string(bg), a2))
write('test.csv', b2); % Change the pattern to what you want for writing
Sean de Wolski
on 31 Mar 2020
The unique call will always be necessary so I don't think you're losing much (i.e. it's the default).
See Also
Find more on Categorical Arrays in Help Center and File Exchange
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