Plotting a sphere consisting of planes

1 view (last 30 days)
Paul on 6 Apr 2020
Commented: darova on 20 Apr 2020
Hi folks,
i want to plot a sphere consisting of triangular planes. The cartesian coordinates of the planes are given by their respective corner points A, B and C which have their own 3D-coordinates A(Ax, Ay, Az), B(Bx, By, Bz) and C(Cx, Cy, Cz). The usual plot-Function does not produce reasonable results.
Does anyone has a suggestion?
darova on 6 Apr 2020
Can you show some of your attempts? Do you have a picture of the result? Can you make a simple drawing or something?
Paul on 6 Apr 2020
The plotted result should be similar to the picture from the description of the icosphere-function in the MathWorks File Exchange (see attachement).
My attempt:
A = surfacessphere; %coordinates of the triangular faces are stored in the surfaces_sphere.txt
Ax = A(:,5); %
Ay = A(:,6); %Defining columns of Matrix A as columnvectors
Az = A(:,7); %
Bx = A(:,8); %
By = A(:,9); %Defining columns of Matrix A as columnvectors
Bz = A(:,10); %
Cx = A(:,11); %
Cy = A(:,12); %Defining columns of MAtrix A as columnvectors
Cz = A(:,13); %
plot3(Ax,Bx,Cx); %
plot3(Ay,By,Cy); %Plotting
plot3(Az,Bz,Cz); %

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Answers (1)

darova on 6 Apr 2020
Use patch for this problem
% create data of format
% Ax Ay Az
% Ax Ay Az
% ...
% Bx By Bz
% Bx By Bz
% ...
% Cx Cy Cz
% Cx Cy Cz
% ...
fv.vertices = reshape(A(:,5:13),[],3);
% create connection list of format
% 1 n+1 2n+1
% 2 n+2 2n+2
% 3 n+3 2n+3
% ...
n = size(A,1);
fv.faces = [1:n; (1:n)+n; (1:n)+2*n]';
fv.facecolor = 'yellow';
Paul on 20 Apr 2020
Unfortunately the result of the submitted script looks like the attacheted picture and not like the cylinder in the xz-plane (attachement). Reading data is not the problem:) (i think)
darova on 20 Apr 2020
I made a wrong script, sorry. Try this:
A1 = importdata('surfaces_cylinder.txt');
A =;
ii = [5 8 11];
axis vis3d

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