How to add LDA axis to scatter plot?

4 views (last 30 days)
EK on 11 Apr 2020
Commented: EK on 27 Jan 2021
I would like to ask how can I add LDA axis to the scatter plot in the link attached below?
Thanks a lot
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 11 Apr 2020
The link does show an example of how to plot the line. Which part is confusing to you? Do you have a specific dataset?
EK on 11 Apr 2020
Hi Ameer
I assume that the line in this example indicate the category boundary not LDA axis. I would like to get a plot as in example attached below
thank you

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Accepted Answer

Guillaume Erny
Guillaume Erny on 27 Jan 2021
Edited: Guillaume Erny on 27 Jan 2021
I have used the fisheriris dataset to test.
1. Load fisheriris and do analysis
load fisheriris
Mdl = fitcdiscr(meas,species, 'DiscrimType','quadratic')
what you are looking for is the Mu, the center positions of the group obatined by the discriminant analysis
2. Visualisation
So you can see the position of the center of the groups within your data
figure, nexttile
gscatter(meas(:,1), meas(:,2), species);
hold on
scatter(Mdl.Mu(:, 1), Mdl.Mu(:, 2), 100, 'xK', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold off
gscatter(meas(:,1), meas(:,3), species);
hold on
scatter(Mdl.Mu(:, 1), Mdl.Mu(:, 3), 100, 'xK', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold off
gscatter(meas(:,1), meas(:,4), species);
hold on
scatter(Mdl.Mu(:, 1), Mdl.Mu(:, 4), 100, 'xK', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold off
gscatter(meas(:,2), meas(:,3), species);
hold on
scatter(Mdl.Mu(:, 2), Mdl.Mu(:, 3), 100, 'xK', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold off
etc for 2/4 and 3/4
your LDA axis is the projection of your data to all possible lines crossing two centers (black crosses), in this case three possible axis. so from 4 axis to three
3. Projection
Here is the code I used to project the original data to LD axis (in this quadratic discriminant). This is not vectorized. I am sure clever peoples will find very easy to improve the code below to improve speed.
V = Mdl.Mu; % positions of the centers
Comb = [1, 2; 1, 3; 2, 3]; % all possible combinations to form the axis with 3 groups
for ii = 1:3 % for each axis
V1 = V(Comb(ii,2), :);
V2 = V(Comb(ii,1), :);
v = (V2-V1)./norm(V2-V1); % normalised vector for projection
for jj =1:size(meas, 1)
Q(jj, :) = dot(meas(jj, :)-V1,v)*v+V1;
LD(jj, ii) = (Q(jj, 1)-V1(1))/(V2(1)-V1(1));
4. Quick Visualisation of the results
hold on
for ii = 1:3
scatter3(LD(strcmp(species, 'setosa'), 1), LD(strcmp(species, 'setosa'), 2), LD(strcmp(species, 'setosa'), 3), 'r')
scatter3(LD(strcmp(species, 'versicolor'), 1), LD(strcmp(species, 'versicolor'), 2), LD(strcmp(species, 'versicolor'), 3), 'g')
scatter3(LD(strcmp(species, 'virginica'), 1), LD(strcmp(species, 'virginica'), 2), LD(strcmp(species, 'virginica'), 3), 'b')
hold off
legend({'setosa', 'versicolor', 'virginica' })

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