Import dates from csv files and plot them

7 views (last 30 days)
Hello there, I am using Matlab 2019a and use app designer and I have problem with importing dates from csv file and plot them from uitable. This is my code
First Button
[filename,path] = uigetfile(...
{'*.csv', 'Text file CSV (*.csv)'}, 'Load File', 'MultiSelect', 'on');
onefile = readtable(filename, 'Delimiter', '\t ;', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne', true);
app.uitable1.Data = onefile;
Second Button
T = getappdata(0, 'table');
A = table2cell(T);
ydata1 = cellfun(@mean,A(:,3));
ydata2 = cellfun(@mean,A(:,7));
Times = cellfun(@mean,A(:,2));
str = convertCharsToStrings(A(:,1));
DateString = datestr(str);
DateNumber = datenum(DateString);
Dates = datetime(DateNumber, 'convertFrom', 'datenum','Format', 'dd.MM.yy HH:mm');
xdata = Dates + Times;
It is doing that that convert the format and make the date March 2nd to February 3rd. I also tried table2timetable but it thinks that the column with dates is text so it doesnot work. So I have table which is in cell array and contains character. How can solve this please?I tried almost everything and look through this FAQs, but I still doesnot found that will helps me.
Sarlota Duskova
Sarlota Duskova on 15 Apr 2020
Thank you for your quick reply, I also skipped the line with str and take data from table and now it is work.
So I thank you for your help. :)
Johannes Hougaard
Johannes Hougaard on 16 Apr 2020
You're welcome.
I'll post my comment to the 'Answer' section as unfortunately I filled in the wrong place.
If you accept the answer afterwards we'll help clear the backlog of unanswered questions.

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Accepted Answer

Johannes Hougaard
Johannes Hougaard on 16 Apr 2020
Hi Sarlota
As far as I can tell from your question, the problem arises in the lines
DateString = datestr(str);
DateNumber = datenum(DateString);
As the conversion to DateString is unnecessary and does not hold the right options.
My solution would be to skip the conversion to a datestr and jump right onto the datenum, while setting the FormatIn for the datenum function to match your date format from the .csv
It seems that the correct line is:
DateNumber = datenum(str,'dd-mm-yyyy');
and just keeping the remaining code.

More Answers (1)

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 27 Apr 2020
Sarlota, I recommend that you use datetime, and not use datenum or datestr at all. Especially do not do this
DateString = datestr(str);
DateNumber = datenum(DateString);
Dates = datetime(DateNumber, 'convertFrom', 'datenum','Format', 'dd.MM.yy HH:mm');
Just convert the text to datetime directly.
But there are some very funny things in your code and your file. You are using multiple delimiters in a file that is clearly semicolon delimited. And the file appears to have either one too many headers, or one too few data columns. And the date/time format you are using does not math what's i the file. You code is very complicated as a result - I think you are making you life too difficult. Let's assume the file is missing a column. I added a semicolon at the end of each data line, equivalent to having an empty field for the last column n the file. (Or maybe I should have deleted the 'current' in the header; I can't tell.) In your MATLAB release, try this
>> T = readtable('matlab.csv', 'Delimiter', ';')
T =
7×9 table
time current avg min max spctemp wlencomp ledpower event
______________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ _____
{'02-03-2020 14:25:25.468972'} -92.368 -92.33 -92.382 -92.266 24.56 0 25000 NaN
{'02-03-2020 14:25:29.470035'} -92.325 -92.334 -92.398 -92.279 24.56 0 25000 NaN
{'02-03-2020 14:25:33.467210'} -92.361 -92.338 -92.379 -92.279 24.56 0 25000 NaN
{'02-03-2020 14:25:37.477145'} -92.339 -92.354 -92.398 -92.296 24.56 0 25000 NaN
{'02-03-2020 14:25:41.475953'} -92.348 -92.38 -92.437 -92.331 24.56 0 25000 NaN
{'02-03-2020 14:25:45.478137'} -92.36 -92.398 -92.454 -92.347 24.56 0 25000 NaN
{'02-03-2020 14:25:49.475570'} -92.425 -92.386 -92.434 -92.333 24.56 0 25000 NaN
>> T.time = datetime(T.time,'Format','dd-MM-uuuu HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS')
T =
7×9 table
time current avg min max spctemp wlencomp ledpower event
__________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ _____
02-03-2020 14:25:25.468972 -92.368 -92.33 -92.382 -92.266 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:29.470035 -92.325 -92.334 -92.398 -92.279 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:33.467210 -92.361 -92.338 -92.379 -92.279 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:37.477145 -92.339 -92.354 -92.398 -92.296 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:41.475953 -92.348 -92.38 -92.437 -92.331 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:45.478137 -92.36 -92.398 -92.454 -92.347 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:49.475570 -92.425 -92.386 -92.434 -92.333 24.56 0 25000 NaN
>> TT = table2timetable(T)
TT =
7×8 timetable
time current avg min max spctemp wlencomp ledpower event
__________________________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ________ _____
02-03-2020 14:25:25.468972 -92.368 -92.33 -92.382 -92.266 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:29.470035 -92.325 -92.334 -92.398 -92.279 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:33.467210 -92.361 -92.338 -92.379 -92.279 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:37.477145 -92.339 -92.354 -92.398 -92.296 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:41.475953 -92.348 -92.38 -92.437 -92.331 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:45.478137 -92.36 -92.398 -92.454 -92.347 24.56 0 25000 NaN
02-03-2020 14:25:49.475570 -92.425 -92.386 -92.434 -92.333 24.56 0 25000 NaN
Your code does not seem to match what's in your file at all; all those lines involving cellfun in particular seem to not make any sense when I run it. But I would think that all you need at this point is
>> plot(TT.time,TT.current)
  1 Comment
Sarlota Duskova
Sarlota Duskova on 2 May 2020
Hello, I used this delimiter '\t ;' because I had error and error sayed I must used that delimiter and when I used it, error disappeared. Then I did not know what to do with date and time so I converted table into cell so that is the reason why I used cellfun. I am a beginner so I need to learn a lot and I am trying some stuff you can see it above and then it works but yeah your sollution is much more easier I dont know why I dont do that before. I spent a lot of time to figure out how to do it, and I did my stupid sollution you can see above. So thank you that you looked at it and help me to see that the solution it can be much more easier.

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