Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical value.

1 view (last 30 days)
I am having a problem with my index variable, and I don't know why the issue is happening.
for ii = 1: length(omegaDArr) % omega_D iterated
omegaD = omegaDArr(ii);
epsilon = epsilonArr(jj);
Iter = 1;
driverCollapseOccurrenceArray = zeros(1, Iter);
StateTransitionResults = zeros(Iter, 2);
for kk = 1 : Iter
xD = rand(N,1)*2*pi; % Init Cond. Driver
xR1 = rand(N,1)*2*pi; % Init. Cond. Resp1
xR2 = rand(N,1)*2*pi; % init. Cond. Resp2
[X, outcome, networkCollapsedFlags, timesChimeraToCollapsed,timesCollapsedToChimera]=changesN_TestChaosMain(kk, N, b, alphaD, omegaD, couplingonset, epsilon, xD, xR1, xR2, NumberWindows, WindowLength, dt);
driverCollapseOccurrenceArray(kk) = networkCollapsedFlags(1); % driver
StateTransitionResults(kk,1) = ~isempty(timesChimeraToCollapsed);
StateTransitionResults(kk,2) = ~isempty(timesCollapsedToChimera);
this line:
pctCollapseThenChimeraArr = 100*mean(StateTransitionResults(StateTransitionResults(:,2) ,1) );
gives the error message:
Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 18 Apr 2020
If you are trying to extract the column, then you should write it like this
pctCollapseThenChimeraArr = 100*mean(StateTransitionResults(: ,1) );

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