How to normalize(compensate) pulse signal?
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Hi all,
I want to build up algorithm to normalize my pulse signal.
What I considered ways are:
- Find the max value from each 10 pulses
- Use the max value to calculate the ratio with each signals which lower than the max (e.g. max=1.0, so a 0.1 signal's ratio= 1.0/0.1=10)
- All of the signals will multiple to each signals speicific ratio (e.g. max=1.0, a 0.1 signal become= 0.1*10)

Here is the recent code I have right now, which can obtain the latest max value from 10 pulses
fs = 50000; % 50 kHz frequency
Ts = 1/fs*10^9; % sample rate in neno seconds
t = 1:Ts;
pulse = t<=5;
amp = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.1, 0.4].';
sig = pulse.*amp;
sig = reshape(sig', [], 1);
t_total = 1:numel(sig);
max_val = zeros(size(sig)); % save maximum value at each time step;
max_val(1) = sig(1); % first maximum value is the first sample of sig
for i=2:numel(max_val)
if sig(i) > max_val(i-1)
max_val(i) = sig(i);
max_val(i) = max_val(i-1);
t_total = 1:numel(sig);
plot(t_total, sig);
xlabel('Time (ns)');
plot(t_total, max_val);
xlabel('Time (ns)');
Answers (1)
Darshan Manjunathrao Chawan
on 9 Nov 2021
In your code what is your energy of the pulse. If you know energy of the pulse then, you can use below formula
Normalpulse = sinpulse./sqrt(Energy of the pulse)
Consider for example if you have sine pulse.
See Also
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