Easy Simulink Questions (new user)

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J on 2 Nov 2012
I am a new user to Simulink (and in some respects Matlab). I have a couple of question regarding the program I was hoping you could clear up.
1. Is there a simple way of converting a block diagram model of a system into Matlab code and vice versa?
2. If I have say a variable psi and when I multiply this by Vt I get another variable Yrdot can I represent this in simulink using a gain block or do you have to use the multiplication block?
3. Finally, how do you create a system within a system? I've tried using the block for it but I can't connect any input or out from it.

Accepted Answer

Ryan G
Ryan G on 2 Nov 2012
Edited: Ryan G on 2 Nov 2012
1. You cannot convert between Block Diagram and MATLAB-Code (.m file)
2) PSI (being cvariable) would be connected to a gain block with Vt defined in the workspace or in the block directly as a number
3) You need to use inports and outports to add more connections to a subsystem.

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