mlx live script stuck even after force restart of matlab after getting error matrix close to singular

2 views (last 30 days)
Plz help since I 've written a lot of latex code and it would be really stressful to write it again.
Claudius Simon Appel
Claudius Simon Appel on 21 May 2020
You might want to close your second question asking exactly the same.
Also, have you tried Ctrl+C?
I have no real experience with live scripts and in what regards they differ from normal ones.
However, it is generally always good to regularly save before running code. Or you could do it like I do, and always create a working copy when working on stuff, rather than the original.
In addition, we might need a bit more details. From the title, it seems like you had an original error that you tried to resolve by forcequitting Matlab and restarting, which then resulted in the same/another error. What was that original error?
Vishesh Mangla
Vishesh Mangla on 21 May 2020
@Claudius Simon Appel, sure I would close it but because it's a duplicate. Regarding if you want more information or other stuff, I don't think matlab works with github that you need to commit changes. It's some problem with the live script as mentioned iin the link above. Initially I could just see that white screen but then I right clicked the red "X" on the dialog box and then after waiting for a few minutes the Error dialog poped up through which I could search for the problem. Otherwise the window just freezed and I had to force close Matlab.

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