List of all possible simulation configuration parameters with default values

7 views (last 30 days)
my name is Tiago and I am running my Simulink models programatically.
I remember I have seen at some point a link in the MATLAB documentation with all the possible configuration options for running a Simulink model, but now I am not able to find it anymore. It was really useful. Has it been removed? Changed name? Can anyone point me to this comprehensive list?
Just to be clear, by "configuration options" I mean all possible 'Name' commands I can give to the "sim" function, as exemplified below:
SimulationResults = sim(Model, ...
'UnconnectedLineMsg', 'none', ...
'UnconnectedInputMsg', 'none', ...
'UnconnectedOutputMsg', 'none', ...
'IgnoredZcDiagnostic', 'none', ...
'SimulationMode', 'normal', ...
'RelTol', '1e-3', ...
'ZeroCrossAlgorithm', 'Adaptive', ...
'MaxConsecutiveZCs', '1e3', ...
'Refine', '2', ...
'MaxStep', '0.001', ...
'MinStep', '0.01', ...
'StopTime', num2str(input.SIM_TIME), ...
'Solver', 'ode15s')
Thank you very much in advance,

Answers (1)

Payas Bahade
Payas Bahade on 27 May 2020
Hi Tiago,
Kindly refer last section of this documentation link to get details about various simulation model configuration parameters like solver, data import/export, diagnostics, etc. If you follow through those links, you will get names of various parameters and their default values too.
Hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Tiago Pomella Lobo
Tiago Pomella Lobo on 28 May 2020
Hi Payas!
Thanks for your reply! Indeed, this link I already knew.
Unfortunately, this is not the one I was looking for. I am sure there was a link in the documentation with a complete list of all the possible Model Configuration Parameters. It was basically a table with all the ('Name','Value') pairs you can find in each of the sublinks that you indicated.
I am getting the impression that it doesn't exist anymore, which is a shame becasue it was very comprehensive. If anyone still has that table, I'd appreciate it.
But, in any case, thanks for the suggestion!

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