How to plot a graphic 2 d

8 views (last 30 days)
Skydriver on 4 Jun 2020
Commented: Skydriver on 4 Jun 2020
I have a challeng to plot my reseacrh data.
Herewith in the attachment my plot data in excel (inside this file and I also show an example the figure that I want to make plot). I also attachment my coding.
I will appreciate if there some one can help me to solve my challange to make plot like in the excel file.
Thank you

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 4 Jun 2020
It is a simple scatter plot and a curve is fit to the data. To achieve the plot read about the following functions:
  1. Load data into MATLAV using xlsread or readtable.
  2. Plot the data by markers using either scatter or plot.
  3. You can fit the curve/ polynomial using poly or cftool.
  1 Comment
Skydriver on 4 Jun 2020
In my plot will not talk about regreesion or fitting process but little bit more about plot th data with additional text in each layer. I don't know about how to positionin gthe text between each line and why I can't no plot x1,y1 and x2,y2

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