Simulink is already connected to another real-time model

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Hi, I'm using the real-time target and sometimes I get this error:
*Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'rtwinext':
Simulink is already connected to another real-time model. It is not allowed to connect to multiple real-time models simultaneously*
The only solution that I can apply is to restart the Computer and this is so bad.
I don't know why. Can you help me?
Thanks a lot!
  1 Comment
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 27 Nov 2012
Unless you actually are running multiple Real-Time Windows Target models, you might need to contact MathWorks Tech Support about this. It looks like Simulink does not terminate its connection with the RTWT kernel for some reason, but I don't have enough expertise in this area to make a guess.

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Accepted Answer

Jan Houska
Jan Houska on 29 Nov 2012
This situation may happen if the real-time code terminates in some unusual way and does not properly disconnect from Simulink. To clean up manually without restarting the computer, please type these two commands:
If this does not help, a more aggresive way is to reinstall the real-time kernel (which cleans up all previous activities):
rtwintgt -setup

More Answers (1)

chef13 on 6 Dec 2012
I wrote first rtunload when MATLAB was simulating and ..oh my God.. Blue SCREEN ERROR and computer shutted down immediately.
Now I try to write first rtclear and then rtunload :) Sorry.

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