incorrect matrix size while training data

2 views (last 30 days)
Arpan Parikh
Arpan Parikh on 17 Jun 2020
Answered: Raynier Suresh on 17 Feb 2021
I am training a neural network with input [25x1x1].
I am taking input using imageInputLayer([25 1]).
My training data is sotred in the variable images which is of size [25x1x1x80000].
But when I run the program to train the network I get an error:
I dont know what is causing this error. My input dimensions match with the dimensions of my training data and everything else in the network seems fine.
Please help.
Arpan Parikh
Arpan Parikh on 17 Jun 2020
Now I am getting the error:
The training images are of size 1x25x1 but the input layer expects images of size 25x1x1.
The training images are of size 1x1x25 but the input layer expects images of size 25x1x1.
Arpan Parikh
Arpan Parikh on 17 Jun 2020
It seems that the dimensions are right but matlab is unable to extract training samples for some reason

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Answers (1)

Raynier Suresh
Raynier Suresh on 17 Feb 2021
Hi, check whether you have defined the architecture of your network correctly, you can do this by using the command "analyzeNetwork(layers)". For input layer size [25 1] and the training data size [25 1 1 80000] the trainNetwork function should work fine for example you can refer the code below.
layers = [imageInputLayer([25 1])
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
'InitialLearnRate',1e-4, ...
'Verbose',false, ...
Xtrain = rand(25,1,1,80000);
Ytrain = categorical(randi(4,80000,1));
net = trainNetwork(Xtrain,Ytrain,layers,options);


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