I am trying to install the Arduino Support package but is not been able to find the URL

9 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to install the Arduino Support package but I can not open the add-on explorer. I have tried to install from the current folder after downloaded from the mathworks adds on explorer and I get this message error. Does anyone know how to solve this? Thanks.
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnsWindow/bringToFront (line 68)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Manager/show (line 51)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showManager (line 76)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showInstallerInManager (line 22)
matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showManager('openUrl', installerUrl);

Answers (1)

Urmila Rajpurohith
Urmila Rajpurohith on 26 Feb 2021
To resolve this issue, please regenerate your MATLAB Preferences, following the instructions mentioned in the link below:
Hope this helps!


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