String scalar or character vector must have valid interpreter syntax

13 views (last 30 days)
Rx(1)= "(cos(seta)-0.3 * sin(seta)) * Rx_" ;
Ry(1)= "(0.3*cos(seta) + sin(seta)) * Ry_";
there are my variable and
I wrote the plot title like this
title(Rx(1)+" + "+Ry(1));
but I recieve this error message,' String scalar or character vector must have valid
interpreter syntax' . How can I fix it?

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 31 Jul 2020
Edited: Adam Danz on 31 Jul 2020
You probably want something like
title(sprintf('%.2f + %.2f', Rs(1), Ry(1)))
See sprintf for more info.
Set interpretter to 'none',
title(Rx(1)+" + "+Ry(1),'Interpreter','none');
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 31 Jul 2020
I didn't see that the Rx and Ry values had quotes. In the furture, it would be helpful if you format your code using the [>] button in the question/comment editor.
I've updated my answer with the solution.

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