XPC model compiler issue in R2009bsp1
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I am trying to compile a xpc model in R2009bsp1(32bit ver) on a windows 7 /64 bit machine and end with an error as below. The model used to compile before without any issues on the same machine. I am using Micorsoft Visual C++ 8.0.
Error: Invalid setting for environment variable MSDevDir or DevEnvDir. The setting is: 'c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 9.0\common7\ide' You can verify the setting by checking for the existence of: %DevEnvDir%\..\tools\vsvars32.bat (for Visual C/C++ 9.0) %MSDevDir%\..\..\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat (for Visual C/C++ 6.0) %DevEnvDir%\..\tools\vsvars32.bat (for Visual C/C++ 8.0) %DevEnvDir%\..\tools\vsvars32.bat (for Visual C/C++ 7.1) %DevEnvDir%\..\tools\vsvars32.bat (for Visual C/C++ 8.0)
You must define MSDevDir or DevEnvDir to be: set %DevEnvDir%=<VisualRoot>\common7\ide (for Visual C/C++ 9.0) set %MSDevDir%=<VisualRoot>\common\msdev98 (for Visual C/C++ 6.0) set %DevEnvDir%=<VisualRoot>\common7\ide (for Visual C/C++ 8.0) set %DevEnvDir%=<VisualRoot>\common7\ide (for Visual C/C++ 7.1) set %DevEnvDir%=<VisualRoot>\common7\ide (for Visual C/C++ 8.0)
This error may be due to an invalid preference file: C:\Users\krisha1\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2009b\mexopts.bat Please run "mex -setup" at the MATLAB prompt to correct
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