How to assign Pixel values to the entire images?
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Hi, I have set of images and then i need to make those images into 32*32. I did this by using imresize. Now i have 32*32 pixel image, then i need to image pixel value between 0 and 1. I know that i can use rand(32, 32) to have values between 0 and 1. how i can give it to the image?
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on 16 Jan 2013
Not 100% sure what format your images are, but try this:
If A is your 32x32 image, then
A = mat2gray(A)
will scale it to 0-1. Alternatively, if you want to keep relative intensities: use
A = im2double(A).
If your image contains real values in a larger range (that contains the 0-1 subrange), and you only want to show the pixels in that 0-1 range: (and clip others at black or white)
A = mat2gray(A,[0 1])
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