My cos function appears as a straight line instead of as a wave

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%Defining given varibles
t = 0 :.1 :3;
f1 = 130;
f2 = 120;
y1 = cosd(2*pi*f1*t);
y2 = cosd(2*pi*f2*t);
%% Section 2: Processing
%equation given
y = 2 .* cos(2.*pi.*(f1+f2./2).*t) .* cos(2.*pi.*(f1-f2./2).*t); %This is my function for the sound waves, however, it appears as a stright line
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Sep 2020
Do you want f1 + (f2/2) or do you want (f1+f2)/2 ? If you are looking for beat frequencies then you want (f1+f2)/2 and (f1-f2)/2
Serena Simpson
Serena Simpson on 19 Sep 2020
Making the increments smaller worked! Thanks for looking at my code!

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Accepted Answer

David Hill
David Hill on 19 Sep 2020
f1 = 130;
f2 = 120;
t=0:.001:3;%need smaller incrementing
y = 2*cos(2*pi*(f1+f2/2)*t).*cos(2*pi*(f1-f2/2)*t);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Sep 2020
Yes, smaller increments are important too. With 1/10 or 2/10 increment and frequencies that end in 10s, the result of the multiplication was always an integer multiple of 2*pi, and so you were not sampling at different points on the wave.

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