How to: Matrix question empty column

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Hello kity
Hello kity on 25 Jan 2013
I want to make a matrix with inbetween empty columns.
so, column 1 and 2 have data, 3 is empty, 4 and 5 have data , 6 is empty.
AllData=[Data1, Data2, emptycolumn, Data3, Data4]
thank you

Answers (2)

Evgeny Pr
Evgeny Pr on 25 Jan 2013
Edited: Evgeny Pr on 25 Jan 2013
This available only for cell arrays.
[] - (Empty) Already an array
Numeric arrays can not store any other empty numeric arrays.
a = [1 2 3 4 5]
a(1) = [] % delete item 1
a = [1 2 3 [] 4 5] % a = [1 2 3 4 5] (concatenation of arrays)
c = cell(5)
c(:,1) = {10}
c(:,3) = {20}
c =
[10] [] [20] [] []
[10] [] [20] [] []
[10] [] [20] [] []
[10] [] [20] [] []
[10] [] [20] [] []

Thorsten on 25 Jan 2013
Maybe you can achieve your goal by inserting columns of NaNs
X = ones(10);
X(:, [3 6]) = nan(10,2);


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