how can i deal with empty matrix: 0-by-any number resulting from simulation???

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I have made a simulation and the result each time of the simulation is a matrix and i choose a certain row from the matrix, so if the simulation run=500, i'll have a 500 matrix and ,the row i choose each time will be (at the end of the simulation) 500 rows [one row from the first matrix...last row from the last matrix]... the problem is some times a matrix dose not contain the certain row i want , the answer is for example empty matrix: 0-by-6 i want to ignor this answer Note: the row i choose is not necessary to be exist in all matrices so if the run=600 , result in 600 matrix , the row i choose maybe =400 only and the other 200 will be zero the simulation STOP when the result is empty matrix: 0-by-any number i use Matlab
arkedia on 5 Feb 2013
for example: the first matrix from simulation=[18 1 0 0 0;12 0 0 0 1;15 1 1 0 0] and the second matrix from simulation=[25 0 0 0 0;30 1 1 0 0;14 0 0 1 0] and the thierd matrix from simulation=[50 1 0 0 0;12 0 0 1 0;24 1 1 1 0] I used the following function ::::::::::::::::::: idxfun=@(x)find(ismember(x(:,2:end),[1 0 0 0],'rows'))::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: a=the first matrix(idxfun(the first matrix),:)the answer is as follows: 18 1 0 0 0 the second matrix answer is:: empty matrix:0-by-5 then the simulation stop!! what i want is to make the simulation continue and go to the next matrix and in this example the answer will be 50 1 0 0 0

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Accepted Answer

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna on 3 Feb 2013
Have tried ISEMPTY, you can check if a matrix is empty and then discard it or proceed as required.

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