Find the intersection between two curves

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andrea on 28 Oct 2020
Answered: Alan Stevens on 28 Oct 2020
So I would like to write a simple program in for a school project, that can find the intersection between two curves, for example between y1 = x^2 and y2 =x ( but also with more general curves). A very simple approach i thought was to simply make the difference between the two vector like: y1-y2 and than find the element that are zero. Is that the right way to do it or maybe is to naive? Have you got some suggestion for a more mathematically rigorous approach ?
p.s I would like to do it by myself but also if you know some usefull toolbox or function that can do this to double-check I will be gratefull.
Tahnk you.

Answers (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 28 Oct 2020
Look at the fzero function (doc fzero). Express y1-y2 as a function and use fzero.

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