Number of points that passes a line

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The attached data contains x and y values. Assuming they are walking in 1 direction per axis i.e. some people move from left to right thus x always increases, other people move from south to north. How can I find the number of people who passes a certain line? i.e. min(x)= -4, max(x)= 4, I want to find the number of people who passes my line x(from -4 to 0) y(0).

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 5 Nov 2020
Edited: KSSV on 5 Nov 2020
You can calculate the intersection points of your (x,y) data and the given line. To find the intersection points you can use this file exchange:
Let L1 be your (x,y) walking data and L2 be your line data.
P = InterX(L1,L2) ;
Your L1, L2 should be row matrices of size 2*m and 2*n. Where first row corresponds to x and second row correspond to y. The number of points P, you got is what you want.
KSSV on 5 Nov 2020
I have seen your has 178*27 matrix....If you have (x,y) pairs it should be having a even number of columns. And your max and min x-value is huge i.e [ -627.88 524.25]. When I try to use interX, with the lines [-4 to +4] , I am not getting any intersection points, But if you extend this line to say -800 to +800, you will get some intersection points. Check the below:
num = xlsread("01) 90.xlsx") ;
num(:,3) = [] ; % some extra column present, so remove it
x = num(:,1:2:end) ;
y = num(:,2:2:end) ;
x = x(:) ;
y = y(:) ;
L1 = [x' ; y'] ;
m = 100 ;
L2 = [linspace(-800,800,m); zeros(1,m)] ;
P = InterX(L1,L2) ;
hold on
Abdulkarim Almukdad
Abdulkarim Almukdad on 5 Nov 2020
Thanks a lot KSSV, that was very helpful.

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