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Error with continuous time block when building c2000_motor_algo example

12 views (last 30 days)
I am working through the c2000_motor_algo example in an attempt to familiarize myself with the basics of simulink coder. When I build the program in accordance with the instructions under "Task 2" in the documentation, I get the error:
  • Block 'c2000_motor_algo/Position signal/Clock' uses continuous time, which is not supported with the current configuration. Consider selecting the support 'continuous time' option on the Configuration Parameters > Code Generation > Interface pane
And a similar error for the startTime block. I tried changing the 'continuous time' option as instructed, but then received the error,
  • The Embedded-C code format does not support continuous sample time blocks
I cannot change the blocks to discrete time blocks because the file is locked (presumably because its an example).
I'm using Matlab 2012b. My target preferences are configured for a Custom board, F28335. I have my solver set to discrete, fixed-step, auto step size.
I appreciate any input!
  1 Comment
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 19 Mar 2013
I'm not sure which library the startTime block belongs to, but I don't think the Clock block is recommended for generating embeddable code. You probably need to use a target-specific implementation of the Clock.

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