how to plot frequency domain response in simulink ?

35 views (last 30 days)
I am giving continuous time signal and i am plotting time domain response on scope in siulink, but i want to analyse frequency response of same continuous time signal.
how should i analyse frequency response of continuous time signal in simulink ?

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 25 Mar 2013
You can use Spectrum Analyzer if you have a DSP system toolbox
Aniket on 25 Mar 2013
Thank you,
Do you have any idea about how to plot bode diagram from simulink
Pruthveeraj Mali
Pruthveeraj Mali on 18 Nov 2013
Can you send me LQG model? so that ease to help you

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More Answers (1)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 25 Mar 2013
You can also use the tool called Simulink Control Design. It lets you linearize your model analytically, so you can compute and plot a transfer function from any input to any output. It also has the functionality called frequency response estimation, which is exactly what you are trying to do: it lets you inject a time signal into any input, and calculates and plots the frequency response from that input to any output. Does all the signal logging, fft calculations for you.
For exact linearization, see more on this page we put together for linearization. For frequency-response estimation, see the section of the page that says "frequency response estimation".
Aniket on 25 Mar 2013
Edited: Aniket on 25 Mar 2013
hello Here is my simulink model , i am not getting where i have to put linearization input , output points points for to plot sensitivity and output sensitivity function , could please tell where should i put points ?
like output sensitivity in equation is So = 1 / (1 + G * C) G is plant and C is controller

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