Raspberry Pi support in Simulink - anyone tried it?

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Have anyone actually tried running Simulink models on raspberry pi?
I spent some time and I think (correct me if I am wrong) that it is limited to purely time discrete models (no continuous ODE). The only solver it seems to accept is the Fixed step Discrete. And - it does not accept non-inlined user written S-functions.
Note that I don't have Embedded coder - just Simulink coder. Not sure if that makes a difference.
I will send an email to support and see what they have to say as well.

Accepted Answer

Murat Belge
Murat Belge on 2 Apr 2013
The Raspberry Pi support package does not support continuous time solvers as you already found out. What is the application area? What exactly are you trying to do with your Raspberry Pi.
Arne Jansson
Arne Jansson on 2 Apr 2013
Hi Murat, thanks for confirming what I have seen. It would have been cool if the documentation actually said that as well, it would have saved me some wasted time, but I assume one gets what one pays for and as the support package is free...
Anyway, we wanted to use the RPi as an (extremely low-cost) HIL demo hardware. Sure, the model size is limited, but the main advantage is that the RPi is SMALL and CHEAP! I assume I can develop a GRT based solution, but then I'll better use a commercially available platform.
Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer
Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer on 29 Aug 2013
Hi Arne, I'm updating the 14a documentation to address this issue.

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