Error using gpuArray : when running three times , GPUs not working again !
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clear all;
gpu = gpuDevice();
fprintf('Using a %s GPU.\n', gpu.Name)
sizeOfDouble = 8; % Each double-precision number needs 8 bytes of storage
sizes = power(2, 14:28);
sendTimes = inf(size(sizes));
gatherTimes = inf(size(sizes));
for ii=1:numel(sizes)
numElements = sizes(ii)/sizeOfDouble;
hostData = randi([0 9], numElements, 1);
gpuData = randi([0 9], numElements, 1, 'gpuArray');
% Time sending to GPU
sendFcn = @() gpuArray(hostData);
sendTimes(ii) = gputimeit(sendFcn);
% Time gathering back from GPU
gatherFcn = @() gather(gpuData);
gatherTimes(ii) = gputimeit(gatherFcn);
sendBandwidth = (sizes./sendTimes)/1e9;
[maxSendBandwidth,maxSendIdx] = max(sendBandwidth);
fprintf('Achieved peak send speed of %g GB/s\n',maxSendBandwidth)
gatherBandwidth = (sizes./gatherTimes)/1e9;
[maxGatherBandwidth,maxGatherIdx] = max(gatherBandwidth);
fprintf('Achieved peak gather speed of %g GB/s\n',max(gatherBandwidth))
hold off
semilogx(sizes, sendBandwidth, 'b.-', sizes, gatherBandwidth, 'r.-')
hold on
semilogx(sizes(maxSendIdx), maxSendBandwidth, 'bo-', 'MarkerSize', 10);
semilogx(sizes(maxGatherIdx), maxGatherBandwidth, 'ro-', 'MarkerSize', 10);
grid on
title('Data Transfer Bandwidth')
xlabel('Array size (bytes)')
ylabel('Transfer speed (GB/s)')
legend('Send to GPU', 'Gather from GPU', 'Location', 'NorthWest')
Hi when i need ruuning this program mutli time for testing GPus performance ,
after thrr time gave me error and its not work until restest my PC , then after three time agin gave me the same error ?
i tired follows this soulation ( by change Nsight Monitor ) at this web site :
, but the same problem!
Error using gpuArray
An unexpected error occurred during CUDA execution. The CUDA error was:
Andrea Picciau
on 17 Dec 2020
Hi Furat,
It would help to know you setup: MATLAB version, GPU model and driver.
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