Error using symfun>validateArgNames (line 333) Second argument must be a scalar or vector of unique symbolic variables.

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What can I do? Please ur help!
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syms x y;
x= (-13:13);
y =symfun( x + exp(x), x);
grid on
That code give me an Error like
Error using symfun>validateArgNames (line 333)
Second argument must be a scalar or vector of unique
symbolic variables.
Error in symfun (line 78)
y.vars = validateArgNames(inputs);
Error in coba_ae (line 7)
y =symfun( x + exp(x), x);

Accepted Answer

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 26 Dec 2020
Edited: Mischa Kim on 26 Dec 2020
Hi Ahmed, almost there:
syms x y
y = symfun(x + exp(x),x);
grid on
In your code you declare x to be a nummeric vector, however, to create the symbolic function y it needs to be a symbolic variable.

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