How to use 'if else' in this case?
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on 30 Dec 2020
Commented: Armando MAROZZI
on 30 Dec 2020
I have the following variance-covariance matrix which is not positive definite:
x = [183.5310 -0.4098 8.0035 -0.0333 -0.1818 -0.9685 0.2681 0.1241 -8.3334;
-0.4098 2.5004 0.7254 0.0150 0.2729 0.0262 0.0390 -0.0128 -0.5049;
8.0035 0.7254 163.7246 -0.0541 -1.1285 0.8830 -0.0161 -0.2604 -0.5571;
-0.0333 0.0150 -0.0541 0.0060 -1.4514 -2.4601 0.0049 -0.0071 -0.0297;
-0.1818 0.2729 -1.1285 -1.4514 -318.8469 -607.2140 -0.0163 -1.7903 -1.4473;
-0.9685 0.0262 0.8830 -2.4601 -607.2140 -924.7691 -0.1620 -2.8692 -1.1332;
0.2681 0.0390 -0.0161 0.0049 -0.0163 -0.1620 0.0772 -0.0070 -0.0476;
0.1241 -0.0128 -0.2604 -0.0071 -1.7903 -2.8692 -0.0070 0.0076 -0.0175;
-8.3334 -0.5049 -0.5571 -0.0297 -1.4473 -1.1332 -0.0476 -0.0175 21.2720]
I can correct it and make it positive definite in this way:
[V,D] = eig(x); % Calculate the eigendecomposition of your matrix (A = V*D*V')
% where "D" is a diagonal matrix holding the eigenvalues of your matrix "A"
d= diag(D); % Get the eigenvalues in a vector "d"
d(d <= 1e-7) = 1e-7; % Set any eigenvalues that are lower than threshold "TH" ("TH" here being
% equal to 1e-7) to a fixed non-zero "small" value (here assumed equal to 1e-7)
D_c = diag(d); % Built the "corrected" diagonal matrix "D_c"
PphiTilde = V*D_c*V'; % Recalculate your matrix "A" in its PD variant "A_PD"
Yet, I would like to write a code that says: if the matrix is not positive definite then do what I did above. I tried unsuccessfully:
if chol(x) == 'Matrix must be positive definite.'
[V,D] = eig(x); % Calculate the eigendecomposition of your matrix (A = V*D*V')
% where "D" is a diagonal matrix holding the eigenvalues of your matrix "A"
d= diag(D); % Get the eigenvalues in a vector "d"
d(d <= 1e-7) = 1e-7; % Set any eigenvalues that are lower than threshold "TH" ("TH" here being
% equal to 1e-7) to a fixed non-zero "small" value (here assumed equal to 1e-7)
D_c = diag(d); % Built the "corrected" diagonal matrix "D_c"
PphiTilde = V*D_c*V'; % Recalculate your matrix "A" in its PD variant "A_PD"
else x
Can anyone help me?
Accepted Answer
Steven Lord
on 30 Dec 2020
See the description of the second output from the chol function on its documentation page.
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