3d registration for 2 clouds of points

2 views (last 30 days)
I have 2 clouds of nodes in 3d and I want to register these two model. When I applied Icp code the result was not correct. clouds have the same morphology means they are two spherical model which one is bigger. I want to register the smaller to bigger in term of translation and rotation.
Any idea will be appreciate Thanks
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig on 10 Apr 2013
Edited: Matt Kindig on 10 Apr 2013
Your question is a bit confusing: do the two point clouds differ only by a translation and rotation (i.e., a rigid-body transformation), or is there a relative scaling necessary (i.e., an affine transformation)? Your question is not clear...
sareh on 22 Apr 2013
Thats the question I have! the clouds are differ by scaling and axis(lets say the shapes have the same morphology as cylinder ). the smaller shape has a differ bigger axis direction in 3d space and its smaller. Also there is no relative scaling between them.

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 22 Apr 2013
Why not just find the centroid of both of them and then the mean radius of the points from their centroid, and scale and shift the x and y coordinates of the second cluster to match up with the first cluster?
Ayesha on 3 Mar 2016
Hi I am using pcregrigid to register two different length pointcloud. I can shift the mean of the pointcloud, but could you please show me how to scale it.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 3 Mar 2016
I'm sure you know how to shift and scale. Just subtract the actual mean, divide by the actual range, then multiply the the desired range, and shift by adding the desired mean:
range = max(x)-min(x);
normalizedX = desiredRange * (x-mean(x)) / range + desiredMean;

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More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 23 Apr 2013
Edited: Matt J on 23 Apr 2013
Do both clouds have the same number of points? Is each point in cloud B the rotation/translation/scaling of a corresponding point in cloud A? If so, this FEX file is applicable,
Matt J
Matt J on 15 Jul 2014
The help documentation for ABSOR describes the input syntax. The columns of matrices A and B must contain the points in the clouds and in corresponding order.
zheng wang
zheng wang on 16 Jul 2014
Thank you for your answer but I cant input two point clouds as the Matrix A and B.The data maybe wrong so could you show me your two clouds and cut some figures for me ?My mail is wangzheng19930107@gmail.com.Thanks

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