Use of Matlab's OCR to recognize Math Equation

10 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to use Matlab's ocr to recognize math equations but the result was some unknown characters.
This is my input:
and the output was:
How can I improve or solve this problem? I just followed the code on the ocr documentaions and use the 'MathEquation' Language
here is the code:
x = imread('1.png');
results = ocr(x,'Language', 'MathEquation')
recognized = results.Text;
text(600,150, recognized,'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1]);

Answers (1)

Shashank Gupta
Shashank Gupta on 24 Jan 2021
OCR detection MATLAB uses is actually tesseract implementation and Math Equation as mentioned in tesseract official page is mostly an experimental detector, It emphasize more on detecting the equation rather than recognition. But there are some work around, Try combining multiple detector like English + Math detector and see if you get meaningful texts.
I hope I gave you enough information to look around and explore.




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